Online EMS & Fire CE Courses | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC


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Top Challenges EMS Agencies Face with Training Compliance (and How to Solve Them)

Managing training and compliance for EMS agencies is no small task. With evolving protocols, demanding schedules, and varying state or national requirements, agencies often face significant obstacles in ensuring their staff remains credentialed and up to date. Understanding these challenges—and how tools like the e-Training Officer program can solve them—can make all the difference in […]

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Mental Health Support for EMS Providers: Breaking the Stigma

In the high-stress world of Emergency Medical Services, the mental well-being of providers is often overlooked. The demands of the job, which include witnessing traumatic events and dealing with life-or-death situations, can take a significant toll on an individual’s mental health. However, in a profession where strength and resilience are prized, discussing mental health struggles […]

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When You Wear the Uniform

When you wear a uniform, regardless of the entity you work for, YOU represent that entity whether you are on duty or off duty. You are a walking advertisement for the agency. The public associates the person in uniform with the agency and all actions taken by the person in uniform are a reflection upon […]

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The Heart of 911 e-Learning

Doing the right thing, no matter what it takes, is the heart of 911 e-Learning Solutions when it comes to solving educational needs for our customers and learners.