Online EMS & Fire CE Courses | 911 e-Learning Solutions LLC

Wooden Wheels: A Lesson in Leadership and Tradition 

Understanding the Importance of “Why” in Leadership

At 911 e-Learning Solutions, we emphasize the importance of understanding the “why” behind every action in EMS and fire service. Our company owner, Kelly Kirk, shared a powerful story during a leadership course that perfectly illustrates this point. 

Kelly was teaching a course on leadership at a fire department, focusing on the differences between generations in the workplace. He explained that while some generations may follow orders without question; others, like Gen X and Millennials, are more likely to ask, “Why are we doing this?” and “Is there a better way?” 

Breaking the Cycle of “That’s How We’ve Always Done It”

During the lesson, one firefighter recounted a daily task at their station: spraying the wheels and tires of the fire truck every morning, regardless of whether the truck had been used or if the wheels were dirty. This practice had been a routine part of their shift work for as long as anyone could remember. 

Curious about the purpose behind this task, someone finally asked, “Why do we spray the wheels every morning?” The response was simply, “I don’t know, it’s just the rules.” This led to a chain of inquiries, eventually reaching a leader who didn’t have an answer either. Determined to find out, the leader did some research. 

The Lesson Learned: Questioning Long-Standing Practices

What they discovered was both surprising and enlightening. The practice of spraying the wheels every morning dated back to the days when fire trucks had wooden wheels. Back then, it was essential to spray the wooden wheels daily to prevent them from drying out and cracking. However, when the fire trucks were upgraded with modern metal wheels, the policy was never updated. The firefighters continued the routine simply because “that’s what we’ve always done.” 

For over 50 years, generations of firefighters had been performing a task that no longer served any purpose. This story is a powerful reminder of the importance of questioning established practices and understanding the reasons behind them. In leadership, it’s crucial to not only follow procedures but to evaluate their relevance and effectiveness in today’s context. 

Encouraging Critical Thinking in EMS and Fire Service

By understanding the “why” behind what we do, we can ensure that our practices are not only efficient but also meaningful and beneficial in the long term. 

At 911 e-Learning Solutions, we encourage all EMS and fire service professionals to think critically about their work, ask questions, and seek better ways to serve their communities. This story serves as a valuable lesson in leadership, tradition, and the need for continuous improvement. 

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